Human-Computer Interaction (HCI)
Don Norman
Don Norman's book The Design of Everyday Things is a fundamental text of interaction design. The passage I have uploaded is an introduction to the vocabulary of interaction design. If you are interested in designing any sort of interactive object (physical or digital), this is a read that will help you tremendously.
- Don Norman, “The Design of Everyday Things: Revised & Expanded Edition”, Readings/Optional, p. 10-32, (2013)
A Selection of HCI Papers
Maybe you would like to read some papers on humanities-adjacent topics from a computer science perspective. The following are some of the papers I read during an HCI seminar by Elaine May Huang. They touch on some topics that might be interesting for your projects as well. Most of them are not obviously related to history, but provide a look into how academics within computer science think about digital issues. During the seminar I read these papers in, they were mostly selected to provide us with something to discuss and argue about rather than their example character of good HCI, so read them with a critical eye and feel free to open an issue if anything sticks out to you.
Lilly Irani, Janet Vertesi, Paul Dourish, Kavita Philip and Rebecca E. Grinter, “Postcolonial Computing: A Lens on Design and Development”, ACM Digital Library (2010)
Paul Dourish, “HCI and Environmental Sustainability: The Politics of Design and the Design of Politics”, ACM Digital Library (2010)
Helen Ai He, Saul Greenberg, Elaine M. Huang, “One Size Does Not Fit All: Applying the Transtheoretical Model to Energy Feedback Technology Design”, ACM Digital Library (2010)
Christopher Frauenberger, “Disability and Technology: A Critical Realist Perspective”, ACM Digital Library (2015)
Katharina Reinecke and Abraham Bernstein, “Knowing What a User Likes: A Design Science Approach to Interfaces that Automatically Adapt to Culture”, JSTOR (2013)
OS KEYES, “The Misgendering Machines: Trans/HCI Implications of Automatic Gender Recognition”, ACM Digital Library (2018)