Hey everyone!
I'm Maryam and I am from Winterthur. Just like the other students, History of the contemporary world is my major and Medieval Studies is my minor. Some of you might call it Evil Studies. In my Bachelor I studied History as a major and German Literature as a minor.
Digital stuff confuses me most of the time – I even have an "analog" calendar where I keep all of my appointments and I refuse to use my phone or my computer for that. I also never take notes on my computer, I always use my notebook. It has cats on it! So I am looking forward to this course as there is much to learn for me in the digital world.
Luckily my Swiss German is really good – I also like to call it "the secret language" as no one understands it. This is especially useful when you're travelling. As far as my Japanese singing goes...with the right amount of sake and umeshu it might work!