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# APPI 3

## Introduction

This is a repository for the APPI3 autumn semester course.

Philipp Gloor's avatar
Philipp Gloor committed
> Below some markdown examples:
Philipp Gloor's avatar
Philipp Gloor committed

- _bold text_
- _italic text_

1. Enumerated lists
2. Enumerated item 2
3. Asdf
Philipp Gloor's avatar
Philipp Gloor committed

## if __name__ == `'__main__'` explained:

In Python, `__name__ == '__main__'` is used to determine whether a script is being run directly or being imported as a module. 

When a Python file is run directly, the special variable `__name__` is set to `'__main__'`. So, `if __name__ == '__main__':` allows the code under this condition to run only when the file is executed directly, not when it is imported as a module.

This is useful when you want to have some code in your script that tests the functionality of the script but you don't want that code to run when the script is imported as a module.

Here's an example:

def my_function():
    return "Hello, World!"

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # This code will only run if the script is run directly

In this example, if you were to import this script as a module in another script with `import my_script`, the `print(my_function())` line would not execute. But if you run the script directly with `python`, it will execute.