## effect sizes, standard errors, p-values on SMD scale
## effect sizes and standard errors on SMD scale
smdo = origES3,
so = origSE3,
lowero = origESLo3,
@@ -383,6 +263,7 @@ rpcb <- rpcbRaw %>%
smdr = repES3,
sr = repSE3,
## Original and replication sample size
## (not consistent whether group or full sample size)
no = origN,
nr = repN)%>%
@@ -434,18 +315,19 @@ $p$-values are greater than 5\% in both the original and the replication study),
but intuition would suggest that these two pairs are very much different.
<< "2-example-studies", fig.height =3.25 >>=
## some evidence for absence of effect
## https://doi.org/10.7554/eLife.45120 I can't find the replication effect like reported in the data set :( let's take it at face value we are not data detectives
## some evidence for absence of effect https://doi.org/10.7554/eLife.45120 I
## can't find the replication effect like reported in the data set :( let's take