I would like to ask you all to look at this website: https://catma.de/
I would like to ask you all to look at this website: [CATMA](https://catma.de/)
That is the program I have been using for my work which I will talk about next tuesday.
If you want you can also look at some videos on YouTube from the creators of the program: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4aOD2eusb_q66LD-Q0km9Q/featured
If you want you can also look at some videos on YouTube from the creators of the program: [YT Channel](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4aOD2eusb_q66LD-Q0km9Q/featured)
For your information I am currently using the older version 5.0 of CATMA and I will only talk about specific aspects of the program important to my research question.
It would be perfect if you could get a bit familiar with the program so I can focus on the research aspect of my work, nevertheless I will shortly explain the way I am using CATMA.
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It would be perfect if you could get a bit familiar with the program so I can focus on the research aspect of my work, nevertheless I will shortly explain the way I am using CATMA.