Upon popular demand (Danny), I will share the commands I encounter on my journey.
Central for one are the git commands, which I'm slowly getting used to. So the basic being:
`git fetch`
`git pull`
`git push`
`git push origin master`
`git branch`
`git checkout <branchname>`
`git push origin <branchname>`
There are tons of different lists of git commands on the Internet so I won't list all of them here.
There are tons of different lists of git commands on the Internet so I won't add all of them here.
Other than that I'm currently figuring out some annoyances I still have, for example that the touchpad is responding badly for a few seconds after I login. The guides on the internet include commands to for example show all input devices `xinput list` or how to get a list of all installed packages `apt list --installed`. Once again, all the `sudo apt-get install <package>` I think are really cool, because they cut all the unnecessary crap from installing new software.