Hey @henrik.jochum --- your push worked, but you haven't stored your name and password in git credentials storage anywhere, so right now the committer is coming up as 'unknown'. Wonder if you want to try debugging and fixing this via Prof Google!
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So, I was able to get my name to show up, but I think the link to my GitLab account is still missing. Clicking on my name in the history opens up an email whereas for example clicking on Ricardo's name links to his account. Will try to figure that out.
OK, your name is appearing with your commits, which is good. There are ways to associate an old git identity with a new one, but I forget how and it's not really worth it for the sake of such a short history of commits...but you can try!
The email thing I have seen happen before. Not sure if bug or what. Really it's not super important, but is nice to have all your commits under the same user ID, makes it easier for us to stalk your activity as well. Problem is Googlable: https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-foss/issues/21578
As long as everything I do is tracked in my profile and I can edit stuff via Atom, it should be fine. Not having the direct link to my profile shouldn't be much of a problem.
Positive side effect: My rigorous testing bumped up the commit-count quite a bit.
Don't worry about the misspelling, GitLab makes a quick fix possible.
Now go ahead and try out something more adventurous. I saw you were somewhat capable of following on ahead with instructions. If you want, you can try the more sophisticated ways of adding content to repos: forking and branching.
For example, in Atom/cmdline, make a new branch, add stuff, push it, then make a merge request back into the master branch. Or fork the repo, make changes to your fork's master, push and make a merge request to lit/digizeit. If you can do these, that's most of the git skills we'll cover in the course, and it's always nice to have a balance of skill levels in the classroom for when we are trying to solve challenges together!
We were thinking that the 'Project Month' may work like this:
Fork digizeit or another repo we make, a project template repo)
Make your project by adding content and periodically committing stuff to it
Push to your fork
If relevant, request your fork gets merged into this repo, so we get your obviously superb changes (or just leave your repo as a standalone).
Alternatively you can try the branching process, make a new branch on your local, commit to that, and make a merge request from that branch into this repo's master. Happy to help if you get stuck along the way, as it'll all serve as a guide for others too.
You could use these features to start brainstorming your project, which could be anything from creating a game using Lives in Transit (to show next week) to perhaps making a small website via Pages that scrapes your flickr photos, or allows you up upload or tag them in a new way, or something. If the collection of photos could be historically relevant, all the better! :) But once you've mastered the basics of Git, such projects are suddenly imaginable, and with practice over the next weeks, even feasible (and dare I add fun? ... no, I daren't)
Begin by making an issue or wiki page with ideas if you so want, and we can drill down on a suitable project together. I'll offer limited technical support, as long as I know from the start what I'm getting into.
Cool service I could imagine: grab your flicker photos, run OCR and any kidn of human recognition algorithms that are publicly available, add as tags to images automatically. that's tech heavy and history light, but Martin's impressionable. I guess for more history/humanities cred you could also try work with geo coordinates and mapping, something like that...
Or you may have something completely different in mind. I just find the best projects are the ones that involve an existing passion project, as people work for free when passionate about just about anything...
@henrik.jochum the issue persists even when closed, you if you want any of that text I wrote up there, it's still available, you'll just need to show closed issues.