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# Contributing guidelines
Everyone is welcome to add content to this repository. In fact, at various points in the semester, contributing will be part of your homework!
The simplest ways to contribute are by adding to the Wiki and Issues pages. These actions can both be completed using nothing but your browser.
However, one key outcome of this course is that you'll learn how to use Git to pull and push changes to repositories like this one. In Week 2, we will run a workshop that will set up your machines for Git use, and teach you basic Git workflows.
There are two main workflows for adding to/modifying a git repository: via *branch*, and via *fork*.
## Branching
By default, you are looking at the *master* branch of this repository. However, other branches (versions) can also be created, and the changes from one branch can be merged into another (typically, into the master branch). The basic steps are:
1. *clone* the repository to your local machine: `git clone`
2. *checkout* (create and switch to) a new branch: `git checkout -b typo-fix` (create a branch called `typo-fix`
3. Modify the checked-out branch in any way you like (in this case, by fixing some typo you found)
4. Add the changed files to staging area: `git add` (to add changes made to ``)
5. Commit the changes to your local repository with a message `git commit -m "fixed the typo in the readme"`
6. Push changes to GitLab, which will create the `typo-fix` branch on the remote: `git push`
7. Use GitLab website interface to make a *merge request* from `typo-fix` into `master`
8. Changes will be reviewed, commented on and accepted/rejected by an admin
9. Once finished, you can delete your branch: `git branch -d typo-fix`
## Forking
When you fork a repository, you copy an entire project, potentially including all the branches of the original project. This is the workflow you need if you do not have write access to the repository you are modifying (i.e. if you are submitting a bugfix on someone else's project).
1. Click the *fork* button in GitLab to make a version of the project under your namespace
2. Clone the forked repository; `git clone`
3. Modify the master branch in any way you like (i.e. fix the bug you found)
4. Add the changed files to staging area: `git add code/` (to add your fixes to the buddy Python file)
5. Commit the changes to your local repository with a message `git commit -m "fixed the bug in"`
6. Push changes to GitLab, which will show up in your work
7. Use GitLab website interface to make a *merge request* from your fork's `master` into the original (upstream) `master`
8. Changes will be reviewed, commented on and accepted/rejected by an admin
9. Once finished, you can delete your fork on GitLab. Otherwise, if you want to make more changes still, you will want to update your fork to match the latest upstream master branch: `git fetch upstream`, then `git merge upstream/master`
This is all quite complicated at first, but after a little while, it will start making more conceptual sense. You might even find it fun!
Good luck!
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# digizeit
# *MA Übung: History in a Digitized World* (digizeit)
Course materials for History of the Contemporary World / Zeitgeschichte
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> This repository contains the course materials *History in a Digitized World* (MA Spezmaster History of the Contemporary World/Zeitgeschichte), and will also function as a digital hub for students and instructors throughout the semester.
## Format of the course
As befits both the new Spezmaster MA programme and the new type of “Übung” module, this course will be very experimental: while the content of the course will provide an overview and critical reflection on current and emerging trends in digital humanities, and digital history in particular, an important secondary aim of the course is to introduce students to key digital tools and resources used throughout the contemporary research process (i.e. for managing, analysing or storing data; for collaboratively authoring and sharing papers, etc).
## Infrastructure
Instead of using OLAT, the course will be hosted on the University of Zurich’s GitLab instance as [lit/digizeit]( The *git* protocol, upon which GitLab is based, facilitates the management of collaborative digital projects through version-control and the ability to track changes.
Git has become the defacto standard for software development, but is equally suitable for versioning other kinds of digital text, such as text documents or datasets. In the context of an increasingly digitised academia, familiarity with tools such as *git* are therefore increasingly central to the process of research. For these reasons, course materials will be shared via the *digizeit* repository, and students will receive introductory training in the use of various features of git and other key technologies as the course progresses.
Students will be expected to engage with various features of git/GitLab throughout the course, contributing to issue boards and adding content via merge requests, thereby gaining valuable competencies while still engaging with a syllabus that explores the impact of digitisation on history and the study thereof.
## Assessment(s)
**Update as of 5 May 2020: as discussed in today's class, we will do full project pitches/presentations in an extended session on 26 May from 10-11 (2 projects) and 11.30-12.30 (2 projects). Please ask your final technical questions to Danny (and make final merge requests to the Digizeit master repository) by Friday 22 May at the latest. You can of course continue to work on your projects after 26 May with your 2nd semester reflection paper in mind, but the presentations of 26 May will be the 'time-stamp' on your work in this first semester. Looking forward greatly to seeing your work in this end-of-semester form!**
**Update as of 15 April 2020: as discussed in virtual class last week, we shall have the final project pitch/feedback session on Tuesday 21 April. Thereafter (28 April, 5 May, 12 May), we shall have short 'stand-up meetings', where we each offer a 5-minute update on how our projects are progressing and what help we might need. We'll hope to have fuller project pitches/presentations on 19 and 26 May respectively (two in each session). These don't need to be fully finished projects, but rather an outline of what a more substantial project would be, if you had unlimited time/resources; and it should give us a hint of the kinds of issues you think you will reflect on in the second part of your assessment (point 2 below).**
Because *History in a Digitized World* is not a regular MA Seminar, we will be requiring a mixture of assessments rather than a single Seminararbeit.
1. During the “first” semester (FS20), we shall have an in-course assessment in the form of some kind of digital project (the exact form of this project will be discussed in Week 1’s session). This in-course project will be instead of individual oral presentations. We have scheduled April to be the “project month”, during which time you can develop an original idea, and receive feedback and guidance on how to realise this project in digital space.
2. During the “second” semester (HS20), when you would normally submit a Seminararbeit, we will ask instead for a shorter written paper in which you reflect on your project with reference to relevant secondary literature. The deadline for this second assessment is Friday 4 December 2020. **Update: ideally we would like you to write this directly into GitLab, at the very least in the form of a file. This would be instead of you submitting a paper copy of your project reflections. See also [here]( for potential ideas on how to publish your reflection piece as a webpage; with some technical help, you can also link your GitLab/GitHub repositories to sites such as [this]( for nice presentational layout.**
## Support
In addition to Daniel McDonald (@daniel.mcdonald) who will be present in most classes during the semester, the Übung will also be supported by a Tutor, Leyla Feiner (@leyla.feiner). Martin Dusinberre (@martin.dusinberre) will also be available during regular office hours, which you can [book online](
## Winging it
This is the technical term for what is also known as "agile management". What this means in practice is that while we have a general course structure in mind, the way the course unfolds will depend on the feedback and interests of the students. Therefore, we shall try to liaise with you, the students, as much as possible about course content and assessment, expecting in return that you help maintain an ongoing dialogue that will shape the course according to your individual interests. **Update: classes will take the form of 'stand-up meetings' (to offer ongoing peer review of projects) from 28 April until final semester presentations.**
## Feedback/interaction
Part of what we're trying to do here is show you the utility of *git*, and get you aquainted with its features. For this reason, we will keep as much of our course content as possible inside the *digizeit* repository, and wherever possible, will use its features for announcements, managing assignments, and communication.
For example, by providing technical support via the Issues page (#1), problems and solutions are tracked and visible to everyone in the course. Keeping issues public and searchable, you can benefit from, and everyone is saved from duplicating efforts and emails. Please only use email if you want to keep your correspondence private. Otherwise, everything you contribute here will be public; please assume that anyone can read what you are writing.
You are encouraged to create your own issues, respond to issues of others, or submit merge requests with new content, corrections and the like. For example, if there's a particular part of digital history that interests you (e.g. an interesting project, an interesting paper, or a novel method), go ahead and make an issue or a markdown document about it, so that others can engage with your interests. **By semester's end, this repository will hopefully be a valuable resource for digital historians everywhere!**
# Information for sessions/lessons
> Here, we keep class materials for the weeks that require them. This hasn't been necessary during our individual project-focussed weeks, but later weeks (after submission of first assignments, most likely) may see further docs added here.
## Contributing
Like any other part of this repo, students are welcome to submit merge requests updating content in these folders with more information, corrections and so on.
# Week 1: The Digital Contemporary: Thinking like a Historian
> This week, we are introducing the course, and GitLab, where the course materials will be stored. We'll also do a first basic exercise in GitLab concerning your reflections on the Venice Time Machine.
## *Venice Time Machine*
From [Wikipedia](
> The **Venice Time Machine** is a large international project launched by the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) and the Ca' Foscari University of Venice in 2012 that aims to build a collaborative multidimensional model of Venice by creating an open digital archive of the city's cultural heritage covering more than 1,000 years of evolution.
## Links
* [Venice Time Machine](
* A video introduction [*A virtual time machine for Venice*](
* (For your own free time) Frederic Kaplan's TED Talk (June 2013) on [*How to Build an Information Time Machine*](
File added
# Week 2: A practical introduction to *git*/*GitLab*
I'm giving you all edit access to [this document](, so only honour stops you from destroying it.
Note that I uploaded the `.pptx` document from today here as well, but it can't be nicely viewed by git, and changes to it won't be displayed nicely if we update and push again. The google docs link is therefore still preferable, unless anyone has tampered with it!
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# Week 3: *Lives in Transit* (and more Git)
> In this session, we'll build on your Git basics by looking at a current Digital History project, [*Lives in Transit*](, and the underlying digital infrastructure that makes the project possible. We'll play the game, and share our experience as players. The fun really begins, however, when we undertake a critical reflection on *gamification* as a nascent means of research, pedagogy and knowledge dissemination in the context of digital history.
> The aim of introducing you to LiT is to give you a sense of (i) how major IT projects are constructed and managed, often with some difficulty, and (ii) to expose you to one way of writing historical research which you might want to adopt yourselves as part of your first semester assignment.
## *Lives in Transit*
*Lives in Transit* is a modern, browser-based interpretation of text-adventure gaming. The game engine, its website, and each game's content are all kept under version control using various Git repositories. Martin—erm, Prof. Dusinberre—will introduce the *Lives in Transit* project, as well as *Plantation Lives*, an almost-finished game built using the system, in which the player takes on the identity of a graduate history student attempting to write a dissertation on transpacific labour history while navigating the perils of academic life.
## Links
* [*Lives in Transit*](
* [Backend]( (Java)
* [Frontend]( (vue.js)
* [*Plantation Lives*](
* [Content wrangler](
# Week 4: The whole (contemporary?) world as data
> This week we'll be addressing the idea that it is possible to gather all the data necessary for global history into a single database. That database is the [*Seshat Global History Database*]( project. In order to discuss this project, and to hone your by now magnificent GitLab skills, we shall be asking you to joint-author two position papers, which you'll edit and submit via Git.
## *Seshat*
(in their own words) Seshat: Global History Databank was founded in 2011 to bring together the most current and comprehensive body of knowledge about human history in one place. The huge potential of this knowledge for testing theories about political and economic development has been largely untapped. Our unique Databank systematically collects what is currently known about the social and political organization of human societies and how civilizations have evolved over time. This massive collection of historical information allows us and others to rigorously test different hypotheses about the rise and fall of large-scale societies across the globe and human history.
## Links
* For an introduction and overview by the Seshat authors, see: Pieter Francois et al, [“A Macroscope for Global History: Seshat Global History Database, a methodological overview”](, *Digital Humanities Quarterly* 10, 4 (2016)
* For recent coverage in the media, see: *The Guardian*, [“History as a giant data set: how analyzing the past could help save the future,”]( 12 November 2019
* For a critical view of what "data" actually is, see Johanna Drucker, [“Humanities Approaches to Graphical Display,”]( *Digital Humanities Quarterly* 5, 1 (2011)
# Data files
Raw data files (right now, used in scripts) can go in here. Please don't upload anything over a few MB without a discussion first, as nobody likes large repos.
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This diff is collapsed.
# Hopes and dreams: what is this all about?
Early in the course, we created biography pages by using *digizeit*'s [wiki]( This served as a gentle introduction to digitial collaborative work, learning how to use Wikis, Markdown, and to add content through the browser.
This folder, *Hopes and dreams*, similarly includes a contribution by each student/instructor in the class. In this case, however, the primary purpose was to learn about how to add and modify files via the *git* protocol from the local machine, rather than the GitLab website. Secondarily, it was a way to get to know one another a little better, and to provide a place for reflections if anybody wants to diarise throughout the course.
With that in mind, everyone is free to update their documents with thoughts and feelings as they encounter them. But there is no expectation to make these documents into something particularly useful, as they were primarily an artefact of the technical exercise (which was passed with flying colours by all!)
## Anke's hopes and dreams for the course
I am interested in **archives** so I would enjoy *talking* about digital/digitized archives and projects such as the *__Venice Time Machine__*
"How does digitization change how we think and work as historians?"
What's [the best site on the web?](
# Danny's hopes for the course
I'm a linguist, so I'd love to take you through some *'corpus linguistic tools'*, which visualise frequencies in very large amounts of language data.
## Session 4 feelings
I think face to face still has some value, though sometimes it's hard to say exactly what that is.
## Henrik's hopes and dreams
Is it working now? It is working now!
At the moment I'm spending some time thinking about objects and *Materialität* in historical works. In my opinion there is an overproportional focus on text-based sources in scientific History and a lack of discussion of historical objects. In my project for this course it might be interesting to look at ways how to facilitate the access to objects in archives and how one could represent *Materialität* in an archival and historical context.
They're just faint ideas but I think it would be interesting to do some thinking regarding these topics.
Trying out forking
Don't forget the newline! Try number 2
So branching inside the GitLab interface is pretty intuitive, but I'm still struggling with using GitBash effectively for this.
So I'm not exactly solving my problem at the moment, but I've been able to install git-plus to atom, so I can checkout differnet branches!
## Leyla's hopes and dreams
## Week 4 feelings
I've just been in so many online meetings today and I think I need a nap.
# Manuel's hopes for the course
Being fairly new to data science and taking Data Analysis (Methods-Data-Society) in my minor, I'm just generally curious to see how this will be useful in researching and displaying large data sets. I've got a bit of experience working with R and RStudio, but Git is completely new to me.
# Martin's hopes and dreams
## Week 4 feelings
What we're seeing here, in using Microsoft Teams, is that it's competent but not quite the same "feel" as the classroom.
# Maryam's hopes and dreams
As a historian my dream is to learn how this digital stuff can help me and be useful. And my hope is to not be confused most of the time.