This is the project folder for my DigiZeit-project named *Feeling the Past*. *Feeling the Past* is a historiographical learning game based on the *Marugoto*-engine. The main focus lies on how objects can be used as historical sources. About the motivation for the project more can be read in the, which was the introduction for the other students at the beginning of the semester. The estimated playtime is between 15 and 30 minutes. At the moment the game is not clear, whether the game will be accessible to the public.
*Feeling the Past* is an interactive text-based educational game, which comments on the role of objects in the historical source selection. In the game the player, slipping into the role of a master's student doing an internship in a museum, is confronted with various tasks regarding objects and their role in historical research. The goal is illustrating that objects are an undervalued source group in historical research and a lot can be gained from using them as sources. For more discussion see the reflection piece [here](
The repository for the game is hosted on GitHub, found with the following link: [Feeling the Past](
For a view into the planning process at an early stage look at the file, also found in this directory.
The game is publically available and can be played on [*Lives in Transit*](
The repository for the game is hosted on [GitHub](