You can find more info on the implemented models here:
*Inspect the phylogeny using **Figtree** - download it from if you have not already done so. You should be able to open the .tre file directly via the SFTP feature of your terminal client.
*The actual tree in Newik format will be stored in the .treefile.
* When opening the .tre file, Figtree will ask you to give a label to the node values. These are your bootstrap values. You can choose display them under "Node Labels".
* Inspect the phylogeny using **Figtree** - download it from if you have not already done so. You should be able to open the .treefile directly via the SFTP feature of your terminal client.
* When opening the .treefile, Figtree will ask you to give a label to the node values. These are your bootstrap values. You can choose display them under "Node Labels".
* In figtree, root the tree using the oldest sequence.