Welcome to the home page of the Microbial Bioinformatics course. You can find and exercise instructions here (uploaded as we go along) as well as software that should be installed beforehand.
## Communication, questions, etc...
If you want to contact us please reach out in [our MS teams](https://teams.microsoft.com/l/channel/19%3a7qjAc3uY_F6vPFYjNdp-aEivjy5Z4dCBS9XTT2BC8lU1%40thread.tacv2/General?groupId=8e5c5a6e-df88-47f7-8240-0dcec2f2cc92&tenantId=c7e438db-e462-4c22-a90a-c358b16980b3)(rather than writing an email to a specific person). It makes it easier for us to see and answer your questions.