diff --git a/bibliography.bib b/bibliography.bib
index 8e9d3bced12fe69a59d80968316aff578c81227b..d0173215c5ac3687e123dd440c67dbc7384a2a09 100644
--- a/bibliography.bib
+++ b/bibliography.bib
@@ -96,6 +96,20 @@
 	journal = {BMJ}
+  doi = {10.1053/j.seminhematol.2008.04.003},
+  url = {https://doi.org/10.1053/j.seminhematol.2008.04.003},
+  year = {2008},
+  month = jul,
+  publisher = {Elsevier {BV}},
+  volume = {45},
+  number = {3},
+  pages = {135--140},
+  author = {Steven Goodman},
+  title = {A Dirty Dozen: Twelve P-Value Misconceptions},
+  journal = {Seminars in Hematology}
   doi = {10.1016/s0378-3758(02)00282-3},
   year = {2003},
@@ -830,6 +844,15 @@ url =  {www.fda.gov/regulatory-information/search-fda-guidance-documents/providi
   title = {New preprint server for medical research},
   journal = {{BMJ}}
+  doi = {10.17226/25303},
+  url = {https://doi.org/10.17226/25303},
+  year = {2019},
+  month = sep,
+  publisher = {National Academies Press},
+  author = {{National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine}},
+  title = {Reproducibility and Replicability in Science}
     title = {UpSetR: A More Scalable Alternative to Venn and Euler Diagrams for
diff --git a/rsAbsence.Rnw b/rsAbsence.Rnw
index 13422f1aed611e2ac85c0030ecc42a9e832f2bdb..f3562ea84adee6d3453fb092765f456236469984 100755
--- a/rsAbsence.Rnw
+++ b/rsAbsence.Rnw
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
-\title{\bf Meta-research: Replication studies and absence of evidence}
+\title{\bf Meta-research: Replication studies and the ``absence of evidence''}
 \author{{\bf Rachel Heyard, Charlotte Micheloud, Samuel Pawel, Leonhard Held} \\
   Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Prevention Institute \\
   Center for Reproducible Science \\
@@ -122,9 +122,9 @@ formatBF <- Vectorize(FUN = formatBF.)
         replicating or even proving a null-effect. Methods to adequately summarize
         the evidence for the null have been proposed. With this paper we want to
         highlight the consequences of the ``absence of evidence'' fallacy in the
-        replication setting and want to guide the readers and hopefully future
-        authors of replication studies to the correct methods to design and
-        analyse their replication attempts.
+        replication setting and want to guide the reader and future
+        author of replication studies to existing methods to appropriately
+        design and analyse replication attempts of non-significant findings.
       } \\
       \rule{\textwidth}{0.5pt} \emph{Keywords}: Bayesian hypothesis testing,
       equivalence test, non-inferiority test, null hypothesis, replication
@@ -142,25 +142,41 @@ participants, n) is used to achieve an 80-90\% power of correctly rejecting the
 null hypothesis. This leaves us with a 10-20\% chance of a false negative.
 Somehow this fact from ``Hypothesis Testing 101'' is all too often forgotten and
 studies showing an effect with a p-value larger than the conventionally used
-significance level of $\alpha = 0.05$ is doomed to be a ``negative study'' or showing a
+significance level of $\alpha = 0.05$ are doomed to be a ``negative study'' or showing a
 ``null effect''. Some have even called to abolish the term ``negative
-study'' altogether, as every well-designed and conducted study is a ``positive
+study'' altogether, as every well-designed and well-conducted study is a ``positive
 contribution to knowledge'', regardless it’s results \citep{Chalmers1002}. Others
 suggest to shift away from significance testing because of the many misconceptions
-of $p$-values and significance \citep{Berner2022}.
-More specifically, turning to the replication context, ``the absence of evidence'' fallacy
-appeared in the definitions of replication success in some of the large-scale
-replication projects. The Replication Project Cancer Biology \citep[RPCB]{Errington2021}
-and the RP in Experimental Philosophy \citep[RPEP]{Cova2018} explicitly define a
-replication of a non-significant original effect as successful if the effect in the
-replication study is also non-significant. While the authors of the RPEP warn
-the reader that the use of p-values as criterion for success is problematic when
-applied to replications of original non-significant findings, the authors of the
-RPCB do not. The RP in Psychological Science \citep{Opensc2015}, on the other hand,
-excluded the ``original nulls'' when deciding replication success based on significance and
-the Social Science RP \citep{Camerer2018} as well as the RP in Experimental Economics
-\cite{Camerer2016} did not include original studies without a significant finding.
+of $p$-values and significance \citep{Goodman2008, Berner2022}.
+Turning to the replication context, replicability has been
+defined as ``obtaining consistent results across studies aimed at answering the
+same scientific question, each of which has obtained its own data'' \citep{NSF2019}.
+Hence, a replication of an original finding attempts to find consistent results while
+applying the same methods and protocol as published in the original study on newly collected data.
+In the past decade, big collaborations of researcher and research groups conducted
+large-scale replication projects (RP) to estimate the replicability of their respective research
+field. In these projects, a set of high impact and influential original studies were
+selected to be replicated as close as possible to the original methodology. The
+results and conclusions of the RPs showed alarmingly low levels of replicability in most fields.
+The Replication Project Cancer Biology \citep[RPCB]{Errington2021}, the RP in
+Experimental Philosophy \citep[RPEP]{Cova2018} and the RP in Psychological
+Science \citep[RPP]{Opensc2015} also attempted to replicate original studies with
+non-significant effects. The authors of those RPs unfortunately fell into the
+``absence of evidence''-fallacy trap when defining successful replications.
+More specifically, the RPCB and RPEP explicitly define a replication of a non-significant
+original effect as successful if the effect in the replication study is also non-significant.
+While the authors of the RPEP warn the reader that the use of $p$-values as criterion
+for success is problematic when applied to replications of original non-significant findings,
+the authors of the RPCB do not. In the RPP, on the other hand, ``original nulls''
+were excluded when assessing replication success based on significance.
+% In general, using the significance criterion as definition of replication success
+% arises from a false interpretation of the failure to find evidence against the null
+% hypothesis as evidence for the null. Non-significant original finding does not
+% mean that the underlying true effect is zero nor that it does not exist. This is
+% especially true if the original study is under-powered.
 \textbf{To replicate or not to replicate an original ``null'' finding?}
 Because of the previously presented fallacy, original studies with
@@ -174,41 +190,28 @@ successful replication we need a ``significant result in the same direction in
 both the original and the replication study'' (i.e. the two-trials rule, \cite{Senn2008}),
 replicating a non-significant original result does indeed not make any sense.
 However, the use of significance as sole criterion for replication success has
-its shortcomings.
-\citet{Anderson2016} summarized the goals of replications and recommended analyses and
-success criterion. Interestingly they recommended using the two-trials rule only if
-the goal is to infer the \textit{existence and direction} of a statistical significant
-effect, while the replicating researchers are not interested in the size of this effect.
-A successful replication attempt would result in a small $p$-value, while a large $p$-value
-in the replication would only mean that the
-On the contrary, if the goal is to infer a null effect \cite{Anderson2016} write that,
-in this case, evidence for the null hypothesis has to be provided. To achieve this
-goal equivalence tests or Bayesian methods to quantify the evidence for the null
-hypothesis can be used. In the following, we will illustrate how to accurately
-interpret the potential replication of original non-significant results in the
-Cancer Biology Replication Project.
-% \todo[inline]{SP: look and discuss the papers from \citet{Anderson2016, Anderson2017}}
-\todo[inline]{RH: Note sure what to cite from \citet{Anderson2017}}
-In general a non-significant original finding does not mean that the underlying
-true effect is zero nor that it does not exist. This is especially true if the
-original study is under-powered. \todo[inline]{RH: for myself, more blabla on
-under-powered original studies}
+its shortcomings and other definitions for replication success have been proposed
+\cite{Simonsohn2015, Ly2018, Hedges2019, Held2020}. Additionally, replication
+studies have to be well-design too in order to ensure high enough replication power
+\cite{Anderson2017, Micheloud2020}.
+According to \citet{Anderson2016}, if the goal of a replications is to infer a null effect
+evidence for the null hypothesis has to be provided. To achieve this they recommend to use
+equivalence tests or Bayesian methods to quantify the evidence for the null hypothesis can be used.
+In the following, we will illustrate how to accurately interpret the potential
+replication of original non-significant results in the Replication Project Cancer Biology.
 \section{Example: ``Null findings'' from the Replication Project Cancer
 Of the 158 effects presented in 23 original studies that were repeated in the
-cancer biology RP \citep{Errington2021} 14\% (22) were interpreted as ``null
+RPCB \citep{Errington2021} 14\% (22) were interpreted as ``null
-% One of those repeated effects with a non-significant original finding was
-% presented in Lu et al. (2014) and replicated by Richarson et al (2016).
-Note that the attempt to replicate all the experiments from the original study
-was not completed because of some unforeseen issues in the implementation (see
-\cite{Errington2021b} for more details on the unfinished registered reports in
-the RPCB). Figure~\ref{fig:nullfindings} shows effect estimates with confidence
-intervals for the original ``null findings'' (with $p_{o} > 0.05$) and their
+% Note that the attempt to replicate all the experiments from the original study
+% was not completed because of some unforeseen issues in the implementation (see
+% \cite{Errington2021b} for more details on the unfinished registered reports in
+% the RPCB).
+Figure~\ref{fig:nullfindings} shows effect estimates with confidence
+intervals for these original ``null findings'' (with $p_{o} > 0.05$) and their
 replication studies from the project.
 % The replication of our example effect (Paper \# 47, Experiment \# 1, Effect \#
 % 5) was however completed. The authors of the original study declared that
@@ -223,16 +226,6 @@ replication studies from the project.
 % effect sizes together with their 95\% confidence intervals and respective
 % two-sided p-values.
-\todo[inline]{SP: I have used the original $p$-values as reported in the data
-  set to select the studies in the figure . I think in this way we have the data
-  correctly identified as the RPCP paper reports that there are 20 null findings
-  in the ``All outcomes'' category. I wonder how they go from the all outcomes
-  category to the ``effects'' category (15 null findings), perhaps pool the
-  internal replications by meta-analysis? I think it would be better to stay in
-  the all outcomes category, but of course it needs to be discussed. Also some
-  of the $p$-values were probably computed in a different way than under
-  normality (e.g., the $p$-value from (47, 1, 6, 1) under normality is clearly
-  significant).}
 << "data" >>=
 ## data
@@ -282,53 +275,31 @@ rpcbNull <- rpcb %>%
-<< "plot-p-values", fig.height = 3.5 >>=
-## check discrepancy between reported and recomputed p-values for null results
-pbreaks <- c(0.005, 0.02, 0.05, 0.15, 0.4)
-ggplot(data = rpcbNull, aes(x = po, y = po2)) +
-    geom_abline(intercept = 0, slope = 1, alpha = 0.2) +
-    geom_vline(xintercept = 0.05, alpha = 0.2, lty = 2) +
-    geom_hline(yintercept = 0.05, alpha = 0.2, lty = 2) +
-    geom_point(alpha = 0.8, shape = 21, fill = "darkgrey") +
-    geom_label_repel(data = filter(rpcbNull, po2 < 0.05),
-                     aes(x = po, y = po2, label = id), alpha = 0.8, size = 3,
-                     min.segment.length = 0, box.padding = 0.7) +
-    labs(x = bquote(italic(p["o"]) ~ "(reported)"),
-         y =  bquote(italic(p["o"]) ~ "(recomputed under normality)")) +
-    scale_x_log10(breaks = pbreaks, label = scales::percent) +
-    scale_y_log10(breaks = pbreaks, labels = scales::percent) +
-    coord_fixed(xlim = c(min(c(rpcbNull$po2, rpcbNull$po)), 1),
-                ylim = c(min(c(rpcbNull$po2, rpcbNull$po)), 1)) +
-    theme_bw() +
-    theme(panel.grid.minor = element_blank())
-\caption{Reported versus recomputed under normality two-sided $p$-values from
-  original studies declared as ``null findings'' ($p_{o} > 0.05$) in
-  Reproducibility Project: Cancer Biology \citep{Errington2021}.}
-<< "plot-null-findings-rpcb", fig.height = 8.5 >>=
+<< "plot-null-findings-rpcb", fig.height =8.5 >>=
 ggplot(data = rpcbNull) +
-    facet_wrap(~ id, scales = "free", ncol = 4) +
-    geom_hline(yintercept = 0, lty = 2, alpha = 0.5) +
-    geom_pointrange(aes(x = "Original", y = smdo, ymin = smdo - 2*so,
-                        ymax = smdo + 2*so)) +
-    geom_pointrange(aes(x = "Replication", y = smdr, ymin = smdr - 2*sr,
-                        ymax = smdr + 2*sr)) +
-    geom_text(aes(x = "Replication", y = pmax(smdr + 2.1*sr, smdo + 2.1*so),
-                  label = paste("'BF'['01']",
-                                ifelse(BFrformat == "< 1/1000", "", "=="),
-                                BFrformat)),
-              parse = TRUE, size = 3,
-              nudge_y = -0.5) +
-    labs(x = "", y = "Standardized mean difference (SMD)") +
-    theme_bw() +
-    theme(panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
-          panel.grid.major.x = element_blank())
+  facet_wrap(~ id, scales = "free", ncol = 4) +
+  geom_hline(yintercept = 0, lty = 2, alpha = 0.5) +
+  geom_pointrange(aes(x = "Original", y = smdo, ymin = smdo - 2*so,
+                      ymax = smdo + 2*so)) +
+  geom_pointrange(aes(x = "Replication", y = smdr, ymin = smdr - 2*sr,
+                      ymax = smdr + 2*sr)) +
+  labs(x = "", y = "Standardized mean difference (SMD)") +
+  geom_text(aes(x = 1.4, y = smdo, #pmin(smdr - 2.2*sr, smdo - 2.2*so),
+                  label = paste("n[o]==", no)), col = "darkblue",
+            parse = TRUE, size = 2.5,
+            nudge_x = -.05) +
+  geom_text(aes(x = 2.4, y = smdr, #pmin(smdr - 2.2*sr, smdo - 2.2*so),
+                label = paste("n[r]==", nr)), col = "darkblue",
+            parse = TRUE, size = 2.5,
+            nudge_x = -.05) +
+  theme_bw() +
+  theme(panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
+        panel.grid.major.x = element_blank())
+# TODO: one replication is missing, id == "(37, 2, 2, 1)"
+# what should we do with it?
 \caption{Standardized mean difference effect estimates with 95\% confidence
@@ -338,12 +309,14 @@ ggplot(data = rpcbNull) +
   number, Effect number, Internal replication number). The data were downloaded
   from \url{https://doi.org/10.17605/osf.io/e5nvr}. The relevant variables were
   extracted from the file ``\texttt{RP\_CB Final Analysis - Effect level
-    data.csv}''.}
+    data.csv}''. Additionally the original ($n_o$) and replication sample sizes
+    ($n_r$) are indicated in each plot.}
 \section{Dealing with original non-significant findings in replication projects}
 \subsection{Equivalence Design}
 For many years, equivalence designs have been used in clinical trials to
 understand whether a new drug, which might be cheaper or have less side effects
@@ -384,10 +357,85 @@ absence of evidence for either hypothesis ($\BF_{01} \approx 1$).
 % the replication Bayes factor \citep{Verhagen2014}.
+<< "plot-null-findings-rpcb-br", fig.height = 8.5 >>=
+ggplot(data = rpcbNull) +
+    facet_wrap(~ id, scales = "free", ncol = 4) +
+    geom_hline(yintercept = 0, lty = 2, alpha = 0.5) +
+    geom_pointrange(aes(x = "Original", y = smdo, ymin = smdo - 2*so,
+                        ymax = smdo + 2*so)) +
+    geom_pointrange(aes(x = "Replication", y = smdr, ymin = smdr - 2*sr,
+                        ymax = smdr + 2*sr)) +
+    geom_text(aes(x = "Replication", y = pmax(smdr + 2.1*sr, smdo + 2.1*so),
+                  label = paste("'BF'['01']",
+                                ifelse(BFrformat == "< 1/1000", "", "=="),
+                                BFrformat)),
+              parse = TRUE, size = 3,
+              nudge_y = -0.5) +
+    labs(x = "", y = "Standardized mean difference (SMD)") +
+    theme_bw() +
+    theme(panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
+          panel.grid.major.x = element_blank())
+\caption{Standardized mean difference effect estimates with 95\% confidence
+  interval for the ``null findings'' (with $p_{o} > 0.05$) and their replication
+  studies from the Reproducibility Project: Cancer Biology \citep{Errington2021}.
+  The identifier above each plot indicates (Original paper number, Experiment
+  number, Effect number, Internal replication number). The data were downloaded
+  from \url{https://doi.org/10.17605/osf.io/e5nvr}. The relevant variables were
+  extracted from the file ``\texttt{RP\_CB Final Analysis - Effect level
+    data.csv}''.}
+\section{Note on $p$-values}
+\todo[inline]{SP: I have used the original $p$-values as reported in the data
+  set to select the studies in the figure . I think in this way we have the data
+  correctly identified as the RPCP paper reports that there are 20 null findings
+  in the ``All outcomes'' category. I wonder how they go from the all outcomes
+  category to the ``effects'' category (15 null findings), perhaps pool the
+  internal replications by meta-analysis? I think it would be better to stay in
+  the all outcomes category, but of course it needs to be discussed. Also some
+  of the $p$-values were probably computed in a different way than under
+  normality (e.g., the $p$-value from (47, 1, 6, 1) under normality is clearly
+  significant).}
+<< "plot-p-values", fig.height = 3.5 >>=
+## check discrepancy between reported and recomputed p-values for null results
+pbreaks <- c(0.005, 0.02, 0.05, 0.15, 0.4)
+ggplot(data = rpcbNull, aes(x = po, y = po2)) +
+    geom_abline(intercept = 0, slope = 1, alpha = 0.2) +
+    geom_vline(xintercept = 0.05, alpha = 0.2, lty = 2) +
+    geom_hline(yintercept = 0.05, alpha = 0.2, lty = 2) +
+    geom_point(alpha = 0.8, shape = 21, fill = "darkgrey") +
+    geom_label_repel(data = filter(rpcbNull, po2 < 0.05),
+                     aes(x = po, y = po2, label = id), alpha = 0.8, size = 3,
+                     min.segment.length = 0, box.padding = 0.7) +
+    labs(x = bquote(italic(p["o"]) ~ "(reported)"),
+         y =  bquote(italic(p["o"]) ~ "(recomputed under normality)")) +
+    scale_x_log10(breaks = pbreaks, label = scales::percent) +
+    scale_y_log10(breaks = pbreaks, labels = scales::percent) +
+    coord_fixed(xlim = c(min(c(rpcbNull$po2, rpcbNull$po)), 1),
+                ylim = c(min(c(rpcbNull$po2, rpcbNull$po)), 1)) +
+    theme_bw() +
+    theme(panel.grid.minor = element_blank())
+\caption{Reported versus recomputed under normality two-sided $p$-values from
+  original studies declared as ``null findings'' ($p_{o} > 0.05$) in
+  Reproducibility Project: Cancer Biology \citep{Errington2021}.}
 << "sessionInfo1", eval = Reproducibility, results = "asis" >>=
 ## print R sessionInfo to see system information and package versions