### A first update (21:50) - So it took quiet some time for this first update to appear, as I had some difficulty partitioning my HDD. In the end it was a Windows problem, bug, I'm not sure. I solved it by using a third party software, even though sadly it wasn't open source, the free version did it's job. - I will now go into actually installing Ubuntu. Let's see how this one goes. - Success! At least the very scary part is over, accessing the BIOS. Luckily I've done this before, so I wasn't too intimidated. I'm currently installing Ubuntu, which already at first glance has a very nice interface! So that's a big plus. - Had a little problem when choosing the settings where to install everything. The "root file system" wasn't defined for whatever reason, but a quick Google solved the problem. Currently everything's installing and looking good. ### Second Update (22:40) -  - Though I haven't figured out how to embed this picture ### First impressions On first glance, this seems like a very neat and minimalistic OS. Right off the bat it feels a little more responsive in some regards in comparison with windows, but this might just be the placebo-effect. A number of tightly memorized shortcuts and muscle-memories are different, which is a little annoying (e.g. changing tabs with alt+1/2/3 instead of ctrl+1/2/3) but I think that's just a matter of time. Other than that, it seems like it's pretty much a white paper (for a non-hardcore-geek), so no unnecessary software, gimmicks, information and all that jazz. Now the question is, if all the software, which I'm interested in for a proper worksflow (also outside DigiZeit) is available. If that's the case, great, if not I'll have to look for a workaround. I'll follow up on that tomorrow, as it's getting late.