diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 12b4356a8fc989dc413cb171e1b7faf262f208b2..3a723a34c9fdc0cb277cb0bae92168e8b7c3172f 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ As befits both the new Spezmaster MA programme and the new type of “Übung”
 ## Infrastructure
-The course will be hosted on the University of Zurich’s GitLab instance as [lit/digizeit](https://gitlab.uzh.ch/lit/digizeit). The *git* protocol, upon which GitLab is based, facilitates the management of collaborative digital projects through version-control and the ability to track changes.
+Instead of using OLAT, the course will be hosted on the University of Zurich’s GitLab instance as [lit/digizeit](https://gitlab.uzh.ch/lit/digizeit). The *git* protocol, upon which GitLab is based, facilitates the management of collaborative digital projects through version-control and the ability to track changes.
 Git has become the defacto standard for software development, but is equally suitable for versioning other kinds of digital text, such as text documents or datasets. In the context of an increasingly digitised academia, familiarity with tools such as *git* are therefore increasingly central to the process of research. For these reasons, course materials will be shared via the *digizeit* repository, and students will receive introductory training in the use of various features of git and other key technologies as the course progresses.
@@ -33,6 +33,6 @@ This is the technical term for what is also known as "agile management". What th
 Part of what we're trying to do here is show you the utility of *git*, and get you aquainted with its features. For this reason, we will keep as much of our course content as possible inside the *digizeit* repository, and wherever possible, will use its features for announcements, managing assignments, and communication. 
-For example, by providing technical support via the Issues page (#1), problems and solutions are tracked and visible to everyone in the course. Keeping issues public and searchable, you can benefit from, and everyone is saved from duplicating efforts and emails.
+For example, by providing technical support via the Issues page (#1), problems and solutions are tracked and visible to everyone in the course. Keeping issues public and searchable, you can benefit from, and everyone is saved from duplicating efforts and emails. Please only use email if you want to keep your correspondence private. Otherwise, everything you contribute here will be public; please assume that anyone can read what you are writing.
 You are encouraged to create your own issues, respond to issues of others, or submit merge requests with new content, corrections and the like. For example, if there's a particular part of digital history that interests you (e.g. an interesting project, an interesting paper, or a novel method), go ahead and make an issue or a markdown document about it, so that others can engage with your interests. **By semester's end, this repository will hopefully be a valuable resource for digital historians everywhere!**