# WARNING: editing this file will impact the behavior of renku commands # by telling renku to *not track* listed files with git LFS. # # By default, renku commands track all files above the renku configured lfs_threshold # with git LFS to prevent accidentally checking in large files (default=100kb). # You can update this threshold by calling 'renku config lfs_threshold <size>kb'. # # Use this file to specify particular paths to *not track* with LFS regardless of # their size. The syntax is the same as .gitignore (https://git-scm.com/docs/gitignore). # Remember: files listed here, when generated during renku commands, will add to # the size of your repo, and could slow things down. # # See https://github.com/SwissDataScienceCenter/renku-project-template for proper # usage. *.ipynb # Warning: removing this line will check generated ipynb files (e.g. from papermill) into LFS: they will no longer be displayed in the renku UI *.py *.r *.md *.rst