#!/bin/bash ## ## Reprocesses M Berlanga's CLiP using nf-core/clipseq, and only one read ## ## Tue Apr 5 08:28:56 CEST 2022 WD=/home/imallona/polymenidou_manu_clip/nextflow mkdir -p $WD/data; cd $WD/data for fn in $(find /home/kathi/Manu_TDP_CLIP/FASTQ/ -name "*R2*fastq.gz") do ln -s $fn . done mkdir -p $WD/run cd $_ cat << EOF > design.conf sample,fastq 20200123.A-6M2_R2,/home/imallona/polymenidou_manu_clip/nextflow/data/20200123.A-6M2_R2.fastq.gz 20200123.A-6M_R2,/home/imallona/polymenidou_manu_clip/nextflow/data/20200123.A-6M_R2.fastq.gz 20200123.A-RBDm2_R2,/home/imallona/polymenidou_manu_clip/nextflow/data/20200123.A-RBDm2_R2.fastq.gz 20200123.A-RBDm_R2,/home/imallona/polymenidou_manu_clip/nextflow/data/20200123.A-RBDm_R2.fastq.gz 20200123.A-WT2_R2,/home/imallona/polymenidou_manu_clip/nextflow/data/20200123.A-WT2_R2.fastq.gz 20200123.A-WT_R2,/home/imallona/polymenidou_manu_clip/nextflow/data/20200123.A-WT_R2.fastq.gz EOF ## beware, is trying to deduplicate something - and raises an error if setting ## --deduplicate False ## Channel `ch_aligned` has been used twice as an input by process `get_crosslinks` and process `rseqc` ## RNA premapping to smRNAs included # As per their documentation, https://nf-co.re/clipseq/1.0.0/usage # The pipeline comes equipped with some 'smallRNA' FASTA references for premapping. # This includes rRNA and tRNA sequences, the sources of which can be viewed here. # The purpose of this premapping is to capture abundant ncRNA that are present in # multiple similar copies in the genome, making them hard to assign reads to. # tRNA can occur within genes and without proper handling can result in misassignment # of reads to mRNA in certain situations. # https://rnajournal.cshlp.org/content/early/2018/08/21/rna.067348.118 ## it's indeed tRNAs mostly, not small RNAs otherwise # zcat /home/imallona/.nextflow/assets/nf-core.old/clipseq/assets/small_rna/Homo_sapiens/Homo_sapiens.smallRNA.fa.gz | grep ">" nice -n 19 nextflow run --max_cpus 50 \ nf-core/clipseq \ --genome GRCm38 \ --smrna_org mouse \ --input design.conf \ -profile singularity \ --peakcaller paraclu,piranha \ -resume \ --outdir out \ --motif True