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Final project for Intermediate Methods and Programming in Digital Linguistics (Spring 2022, University of Zurich, Instructor: Samuel Läubli, Ph.D.)
Please feel free to contact me for questions, comments, and constructive feedback!
Image source: https://www.futurity.org/reappropriation-language-the-slants-2214762-2/
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Course materials for History of the Contemporary World / Zeitgeschichte
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This script calculates accuracy scores (accuracy, precision, f-measure, recall) for Universal Part of Speech tags.
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This is a project-specific script to postprocess texts that were annotated in the semantic annotation software INCEpTION.
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A React client side application for generating reports for participants in clinical trials, created by the UZH Center for Gerontology
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A project for Building and Annotating Linguistic Resources (FS2022) in which we link some geographical names of the French Text + Berg Corpus to an external list.
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A program that helps you build a balanced Pokémon team
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Take part in researching the evolution of the Swiss dialects in the last 100 years! Built on the Citizen Science Center platform
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