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Luca Ambrosini / substrate-front-end-template
The UnlicenseA Polkadot.js API + React based template for building Substrate Front Ends
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A simple template to bootstrap a Substrate node with BABE consensus
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Vector-based Cartographic Generalization of Roads using Graph Convolutional Neural Networks
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Archived 0Updated
Xinyi Zhang / ModelTraining
MIT LicenseArchived 0Updated -
Matija Piškorec / uzhbitcoin-v2
MIT LicenseBitcoin Core integration/staging tree. Update for the Bitcoin Core 23.0 which supports the M1 Mac processors (ARM architecture).
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Archived 1Updated
Archived 0Updated
Archived 0Updated
Izaskun Mallona / polymenidou_rnaseq_liu_lee_2019
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0Updated -