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Repository where files to reproduce my presentation about the preprint "A Reproducible Data Analysis Workflow with R Markdown, Git, Make, and Docker" are stored
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Code to reproduce results from Pawel, S. & Held, L. (2022). The sceptical Bayes factor for the assessment of replication success. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B (Statistical Methodology), 84(3) 879-911. https://doi.org/10.1111/rssb.12491
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ZI IT Training / GIT
MIT LicenseUpdated -
Our archived version of the git repo (had to migrate to a new one, because the githistory became too large).
Archived 0Updated -
Supporting material for Dedio, Ranacher, & Widmer (2019): ‘Evidence for Britain and Ireland as a linguistic area’. In: Language 95.3, 498–522.
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LaTeX template for a bachelor’s thesis at the Department of Computational Linguistics
Archived 0Updated -
Samuel Pawel / Replication of null results - Absence of evidence or evidence of absence
GNU General Public License v3.0 or laterCode to reproduce results from 'Pawel, S., Heyard, R., Micheloud, C., Held, L. (2023). Replication of null results - Absence of evidence or evidence of absence?'
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crsuzh / nhb-replication
GNU General Public License v3.0 or laterUpdated -