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lit / digizeit
Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial Share Alike 4.0 InternationalCourse materials for History of the Contemporary World / Zeitgeschichte
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Korpuslinguistisches Denken und Programmieren im Kontext der Germanistik: eine Lernplattform (KoDuP-Germanistik)
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Archived 2UpdatedArchived 2Updated
AMR / IMMense
GNU General Public License v3.0 or laterIMMense (IMM Extended Nextflow Sequencing Environment) is a Nextflow pipeline to analyze bacterial and fungal genomes. It covers genome assembly and annotation, species identification, resistance and virulence gene analysis as well as specific modules for selected species. The pipeline's strenghts are reproducible results by using singularity containers and a thorough quality control. IMMense can be deployed single machines as well as HPC clusters.
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Hier sind die Materialen abgelegt, um im Kurs Korpuspragmatik eigenständige Analysen etc. durchführen zu können.
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Contains scripts for converting UZH CL corpora from XML format to a standardised PaCoCo format.
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In the ever-evolving landscape of blockchain technologies the ability to establish and run experiments on different typologies of local networks is a challenge. The project addresses this by introducing a system that allows user to quickly setup and visualize local Proof of Work (PoW) Ethereum (ETH) networks on Raspberry Pis (RPIs). The report introduces the reader to the concept and use case of RPIs, the characteristics of Ethereum blockchains, and the general topic of blockchain technology. It describes the requirements and discusses the design and implementation of the server-client system. The system was evaluated on several runs for grid, star and circle topologies with 3 up to 9 RPIs showcasing the consensus degradation at varying levels of delays.
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LOCBP / Public / Ratiometric image analysis
MIT LicenseUpdated -
David Pinezichs Kurs zu Python Automatisierungm Web-Scraping und Bildbearbeitung im Januar 2024