diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 3c7c1ab2cf949240d576d3241b0a6d7d62a93393..05424cd336bfa5aa6331ec66482ebf0654b632d7 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -65,9 +65,7 @@ A simple editor with syntax highlighting would be for example **BBEdit** which y
 - [ ] [Introduction to the projects](slides/Introduction_projects_240314_TR.pdf)
 - [ ] [Introduction to NGS and routine diagnostics](slides/Routine_diagnostics_NGS_240314_TR.pdf)
 - [ ] [NGS technologies](slides/Sequencing_technologies_240314_TR.pdf)
-- [ ] [Intro to NGS QC](slides/230317_TR_Intro_to_QC.pdf)
+- [ ] [Intro to NGS QC](slides/240315_TR_Intro_to_QC.pdf)
 ### Introduction to UNIX and HPC
@@ -75,6 +73,9 @@ A simple editor with syntax highlighting would be for example **BBEdit** which y
 - [ ] [Exercise instructions](exercises/UNIX_HPC_exercise_instructions.md)
 - [ ] [Cheat sheet](exercises/UNIX_HPC_cheat_sheet.md)
 ### QC of sequencing data
 - [ ] [Exercise instructions Nanopore](exercises/qc_exercise.md)